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Monthly Archives: May 2013

Get Help With Parental Alienation Syndrome – PAS

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is the deliberate attempt by a parent to destroy the relationship between their children and the other parent. The alienating parent’s goal is to destroy the children’s bond with the other parent and establish themself as “the best parent.” Parental Alienation Syndrome does not occur over night. It is a systematic process which ultimately results in the destruction of a child’s relationship with the other parent. PAS is frequently observed in hotly contested child custody cases and it is important that parents and attorneys are vigilant as to the symptoms of PAS.

What Are The Requirements For Above Guideline Child Support?

Texas child support obligations are calculated using a percentage of your net resources, that percentage being based on how many children one has an obligation to support. Unless there are additional circumstances, as outlined below, a court cannot order a party to pay above Texas Guideline child support amounts as dictated by the Texas Family Code. There are special circumstances where a court will order a party to pay child support obligations above the guideline amount. Texas Family Code §154.123 states the court shall consider the following factors when deciding if guideline child support is applicable:

Should I Agree To Pay Above Guideline Child Support?

This is NOT advisable for several reasons. First, the ordering containing a child support obligation could ostensibly be in effect for many years, depending on the age of the child when it is first submitted to the court. Second, costs of living increase, people have more children, jobs are lost, two incomes become one; there are a variety of events that could cause a party to regret agreeing to pay a higher amount of child support than guideline amount. Third, there are penalties associated with failure to pay child support obligations; a person does not want to set themselves up for criminal or punitive sanctions for failure to pay if they could have avoided it by paying the guideline amount.

What is an Acknowledgment of Paternity and Why is It Important?

An Acknowledgment of Paternity (AOP for short) is a legal document, filed with the Bureau of Vital Statistics, which establishes a man as the legal father to a child. The AOP can be obtained at the hospital where the child is born, the father’s name can be added to the birth certificate and the hospital will send the AOP to be filed with the state. The AOP can be signed and sent off later, but it is most convenient to be completed at the hospital when the baby is born.

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