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Category Archives: Family Law

6 Best Family Law Attorneys in Houston

Navigating family law issues—particularly in matters that affect the well-being of children—is challenging. It requires empathy, strategic foresight, and in-depth legal knowledge. Family law cases can be contentious, so hiring a family law attorney in Houston is wise. You need an objective legal advocate to help you make rational decisions to protect your family.  The …

Overcoming an Impasse in Divorce Mediation in Texas

We have all heard horror stories about how a divorce can turn into a nasty, difficult, and emotionally draining fight. The good news is that divorce does not have to be that way. Indeed, the vast majority of people want an amicable divorce. Mediation is one of the best legal options for divorcing couples looking …

Property Division & Texas Divorce Laws

While spousal support and issues related to minor children may not come up in every Texas divorce, almost all parties must address property division when dissolving their marriage. Couples may acquire substantial assets after the wedding date, especially in long-term marriages. They might also incur considerable debt through loans, mortgages, and credit cards. Both property …

Your Comprehensive Guide to Spousal Maintenance and Cohabitation in Texas

Following a divorce, the financially-better-off party may be required to make ongoing payments to their former spouse. Known as alimony, spousal support, or spousal maintenance, these payments are not guaranteed in Texas. Spousal maintenance is subject to strict rules and regulations in our state. Under Texas law (Texas Family Code § 8.056), a person’s obligation …

The Three Types of Spousal Support in Texas

Spousal maintenance, known as alimony in other states, is not guaranteed in all Texas divorces. However, when one spouse will be left unable to financially support themselves during or after the divorce process, a judge may order it. Couples can also reach an agreement on their own about whether spousal maintenance should be paid, the …

Family Law Services

You might not appreciate the expansive nature of Texas family law concepts until you realize that the relevant concepts encompass many of your closest, most personal relationships. Some scenarios involve joyful occasions and meeting the legal requirements for marriage or welcoming a new member of the family. Others are less cheerful, but it is still …

How Does DNA Testing Prove Paternity?

What is a DNA Paternity Test? In Texas, when parents are unmarried, establishing paternity and determining parental rights and responsibilities for minor children follows a different process compared to married couples. The child’s parentage is not presumed when the parents are not officially married. To establish paternity, parents can execute an Acknowledgement of Paternity if …

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