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Tag Archives: divorce

Encouragement and Support for Men going Through Divorce

Divorce can be emotional, disruptive, and stressful, and the implications are very personal for each of the parties. However, you might not realize how the dissolution of marriage proceedings may take their toll differently on men versus women. Research indicates that males experience higher rates of depression, tend to abuse drugs or alcohol, and are more …

Overcoming an Impasse in Divorce Mediation in Texas

We have all heard horror stories about how a divorce can turn into a nasty, difficult, and emotionally draining fight. The good news is that divorce does not have to be that way. Indeed, the vast majority of people want an amicable divorce. Mediation is one of the best legal options for divorcing couples looking …

The Three Types of Spousal Support in Texas

Spousal maintenance, known as alimony in other states, is not guaranteed in all Texas divorces. However, when one spouse will be left unable to financially support themselves during or after the divorce process, a judge may order it. Couples can also reach an agreement on their own about whether spousal maintenance should be paid, the …

Top 5 Ways to Reduce Your Attorney’s Fees

  1. Think before you call or email

  2. Your family law attorney is there to guide you through the process of a divorce or family law dispute and understands that you are going to have questions about the process. But every communication with your attorney will result in being billed, so save your small questions for a weekly status email with your attorney. This does not mean you should avoid communicating important information to your attorney, just think twice before you send off a quick email asking for information that could be found elsewhere or saved for another time.

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