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The Keys to a Simple Divorce in Texas

Divorce is a very stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be an obstacle course. The keys to a simple divorce in Texas are careful planning, sound legal representation, the resolve to stay calm, and the discipline to stick to your game plan.

Divorce isn’t quick either, with the shortest path still requiring a two-month legal process. Messier divorces can take much longer, and depending on your circumstances, there may be no getting around this. At Ramos Law Group, our family law attorneys are highly experienced in navigating the divorce process. We have represented clients at all income levels, both men and women, as well as with and without children. Need a simple divorce? Start here.

Uncontested Divorces

The easiest way to get a simple divorce in Texas is for you and your soon to be former spouse to come to a full agreement on every aspect of the divorce, including child custody and the division of assets. With no disputes, there is no need for a protracted legal process, which makes it possible to get what’s called an uncontested divorce.

If you and your spouse are close to being able to agree to an uncontested divorce, but aren’t quite there yet, it is usually worth the effort to reach that agreement—with the help of mediation if needed. An uncontested divorce is usually the fastest and cheapest method in Texas for a simple divorce. It can save both of you (and any immediate family members) a lot of time, money, and frustration.

Even if you are able to get an uncontested divorce, you will still need legal representation. Here at Ramos Law Group, we can advise you as to whether getting an uncontested divorce is a good course of action in your situation. If it is, we can represent you throughout the legal process, help you with the paperwork, and guide you through any steps you need to take.

Contested Divorce

If there are any disagreements that you cannot resolve, you will have to opt for a contested divorce. This is a more formal process, but with good legal counsel, it may still be possible to keep your divorce simple. In Texas, a contested divorce follows a particular process:

Divorce Petition and Temporary Orders

First, you will file for a divorce with the court, and then obtain any temporary orders that may be needed. A “temporary order” is a legal motion that will keep both spouses from taking any one-sided actions that affect your shared property, children, and so forth.

These orders make for a much easier and more simple divorce. In Texas, a “temporary order” is different from protective orders that would be granted in situations where one’s safety may be at risk. Protective orders are also an option, if needed.

Discovery Phase

This part of the process involves each side learning the position of the other when it comes to how they want things to be divided up. For example, during the discovery phase, you might learn that your spouse wants to keep the pets or a certain piece of furniture. Collecting this information will set up the next step in the process.

This process can be frustrating because if your spouse says they want something that you also want, it can feel threatening. Remember the keys to getting a simple divorce in Texas: plan carefully and keep a calm head. Discovery is purely an information-collecting phase.


Next, there will usually be a mediation process. The State of Texas prefers that, whenever possible, couples resolve their disputes through mediation instead of at trial.

The mediation process is actually quite successful in many cases. With the help of your attorney, your spouse’s attorney, and the professional mediators all working together, it often works out that you will be able to settle many thorny questions that you and your partner could not solve on your own.

Mediation is a give-and-take process. You’re not going to get everything you want. Neither is your spouse. The keys to getting a simple divorce in Texas are to understand this, and be willing to make some concessions. It’s not about winning or losing. Think of it as a business transaction: You’re both going to get value, but at a fair price. We strongly encourage you to give the mediation process the best chance you can.

Final Trial

If there are any remaining disputes after mediation, the final step is to have a trial. Here, the court will hear arguments from both sides and issue a ruling.

After that, and some final paperwork, your contested divorce will be complete.

Ramos Law Group’s team of experienced attorney are here to help you through this process, so that you can get the fastest and most simple divorce in Texas that you possibly can.

Contact Ramos Law Group

If you want a simple divorce in Texas, you absolutely need to have a qualified and experienced lawyer who has gone through this process for many clients.

At Ramos Law Group, we proudly serve clients throughout Houston and the surrounding region. We have handled divorce cases for clients in just about every kind of situation you can imagine, and we can help keep you on track through this difficult journey.

Contact us today to discuss your situation and begin the process of settling your divorce and moving on to better things in your life.

Last Updated on February 7, 2023 by Mary E. Ramos

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Mary E. Ramos

Mary E. Ramos is Board Certified in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. She is recognized and respected throughout the Houston legal community for dedication in effectively representing clients’ rights and interests. Mary understands the emotional side of divorce and brings a special compassion to each and every case.

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