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Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains answers to the most common questions we receive. If you want to learn more about family law, visit our blog for more detailed questions and answers.

Should I move out of the marital home during a divorce?

Often one person decides to move out of the marital home prior to or in the beginning stages of a divorce. If the home was purchased during the course of the marriage, then the home is considered community property no matter who is living in the home, or whose name is on the paperwork, at the time of the divorce. Moving out will not affect your financial interest in the property, you will be entitled to share of the equity in the home regardless of where you are living. Moving out can have several other consequences, however, and is a step that should be considered carefully. While both parties are entitled to a portion of the equity of the home, this does not necessarily mean the home must be sold. Sometimes, one party wants to remain in the home and 'buy out' the other party. If both parties are hoping to continue living in the home after the divorce, the person who moves out will have a weaker case. The person who moves out will have to convince a judge to change something, while the person who stayed in the home will just have to convince the judge to keep things the way they are. If you want to keep the home after the divorce, it is important to remain in the home while the divorce is pending.

What Impact Does Adultery Have On Child Custody In A Divorce?

There is no clear cut answer to this question. A judge must look at the best interests of a child when making a child custody determination. The existence of adultery may affect a judge’s decision regarding child custody but absent a strong case the adultery has had a negative impact on the child, it will likely have little impact. It is up to the individual judge to examine the facts and circumstances of an alleged affair to decide if it will have any impact on child custody. Judges are more willing to consider the existence of adultery when one of the parents has engaged in the affair in front of the children. A divorce can be a difficult and confusing time for children.

Galveston Divorce Lawyer

Focused on family law within Galveston, Ramos Law Group, PLLC provides skilled legal representation and advice for those navigating the complexities of divorce. Our attorneys offer a compassionate and solution-focused approach, ensuring your rights and interests will be protected throughout the process. Speak with a Galveston divorce lawyer to schedule a confidential consultation. Understanding How …

League City LGBT Divorce Lawyer

In 2015, the US Supreme Court issued Obergefell v. Hodges, legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide. With the right to get married came the right to divorce. Divorce can be very stressful, and mixing in complicated legal issues makes divorce even more challenging.  If you need an LGBT divorce attorney, the Ramos Law Group can help. Led …

League City Divorce Lawyer

League City Divorce Lawyer According to the National Center for Health Statistics, Texas has one of the lowest divorce rates in the United States, with only 1.4 divorces per 1,000 total population. Nevertheless, the fact remains that thousands of people each year within the state find themselves in a divorce. In fact, in 2021, more …

Houston Relocation Attorney

Relocation is a normal part of life. Sometimes you find a new job, need a different environment for your health, or just need a change of scenery. Many complications come with finding a new place to live, but relocation grows even more complex when you have children that are part of a custody agreement.  Whether …

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