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Search results for: protective order

Domestic Violence in the Shadow of COVID-19

Domestic violence rates tend to increase in times of uncertainty, and the coronavirus pandemic is no different. When domestic violence victims (both adult and children) are forced to shelter in place with their abusers, the violence escalates. Per the Houston Chronicle, reports of family assault in Houston increased 158% from February to March and that trend has continued as unemployment, school closures, and shelter-in-place mandates have forced Texans to remain in their homes.

Sugar Land Divorce Lawyer

At the Ramos Law Group, PLLC, our Sugar Land divorce lawyers understand how difficult, emotional, and stressful it can be to end a marriage. We know that one-size-fits-all legal representation simply does not work. Our entire practice is dedicated to divorce & family law, and we always take the time to get to know our clients’ cases and devise the most effective legal strategy for their unique situation. For a strictly confidential initial divorce consultation in Sugar Land, Texas, please contact us today.

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