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Custody Advice for Fathers

It is an unfortunate reality that courts can sometimes unfairly favor the mother when it comes to custody battles. While judges should technically be impartial, there are times when fathers have the odds stacked against them from the very beginning. Of course, even the best divorce lawyers in the world cannot change that fact. However, …

Have you been the victim of domestic violence during your divorce?

Divorce is a time of extreme emotions for many people, and, unfortunately, domestic violence sometimes occurs immediately before or after a divorce filed. No amount of stress can ever justify violence, and if violence has occurred in your home you need to take actions to protect yourself, and your children. The divorce process is long and stressful, and if domestic violence has occurred once, it may happen again. The most important thing to do if you are ever the victim of domestic violence is to call the police.


At the Ramos Law Group, PLLC we take pride in our quality of service and our passion for family law. We differentiate ourselves from other divorce lawyers in Houston by always placing our clients’ needs before our own.

Houston Attorneys Specializing In Family Law

I received paperwork from my ex-wife days before the custody hearing and did not have a Lawyer to represent me. The Ramos Firm was able to stop the hearing, guide me through the mediation process, my ex-wife had limited custody, and my daughters primary residence is with me! There is nothing I can say to express my gratitude to The Ramos Firm. – A. M. on Apr 2, 2013.

What Is Sole Managing Conservatorship?

A common misconception in the arena of Texas family law is that conservatorship and custody are the same thing. In the state of Texas, conservatorship is the designation as to which parent has the right to make certain decisions and exercise certain duties. A parent designated as sole managing conservator has all exclusive rights regarding

Can I Waive the 60-Day Waiting Period for a Divorce?

Texas has a mandatory sixty-day waiting period from the date a person files an Original Petition for Divorce before they are eligible to formally receive a divorce from the Court. This is outlined in Section 6.702 of the Texas Family Code. In almost all circumstances, you will be required to wait the statutorily-required sixty days before you are able to finalize your divorce.

High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer in Houston, Texas

High net worth divorces are significantly more complex than average divorces. The attorneys of Ramos Law Group have the experience and expertise necessary to successfully navigate this type of divorce.

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